Junior Pre-K Class
The Junior Pre-K class at Magical Moments is an introduction to the school experience. It will be the first time many of the students experience a structured setting where they learn to participate in various activities as well as how to socialize with other students. This is an important time for the students to learn about how exciting school can be.
The Junior Pre-K class is center-based including science, blocks, reading, dramatic play and a writing/art center. Our centers change with each theme so that the children remain engaged in classroom activities. Each student is encouraged to move from center to center as they like. Center time is a great time for the students to interact with their classmates and this also gives the teacher a great opportunity to work with students on a one-on-one basis.
Magical Moments uses a thematic curriculum with an introduction to sign language. Each day there will be activities related to the current theme. We work the current State of Ohio Preschool Standards into the daily activities.
By the end of the school year, it is our goal that each student recognizes his/her first name in print. The Junior Pre-K students will be introduced to upper and lower case letters with a goal of recognizing them as print symbols. That each student can count to ten, recognize a few common words in sign language, and numbers 1 through 5. We practice fine motor skills such as cutting with scissors, holding a pencil correctly and following basic directions.
The Junior Pre-K class at Magical Moments is a place for nurturing individuality as well as learning how to get along with others. It is our hope that each student learns to love school and can't wait to return to class each day.
Extended Day for Junior Pre-K will be offered on Monday - Friday. The children will eat lunch (need to bring lunch) for half hour and then they will get an hour of enrichment in literacy and math skills for the age level. The enrichment will build on what the children are learning in the Junior Pre-K classroom. The morning session is 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM.

Click here for Tuition & Registration information.
Junior Pre-K ~ Curriculum
September: Welcome to School (Open House), All About Me, Family, and Farm
October: Leaves, Apples, Pumpkins, and Halloween
November: Pilgrims, Native Americans, and Thanksgiving
December: Holiday Symbols and Festivities
January: Happy New Year!, Winter (snow), Winter Activities, and Dinosaurs
February: Fairly Tales & Nursery Rhymes, Love & Friendship, and Under the Sea
March: Dr. Seuss, Outer Space, and Wind
April: Zoo Animals, Bugs, and Butterflies and Flowers
May: Celebrating Mom and Summer Fun
“Everyone is friendly and my son loves coming to school.